The Boys to Men Mentoring Network is a non-profit organization founded in San Diego in 1996 by Herb Sigurdson (1927-1997), Joe Sigurdson and Craig McClain. Herb was a former Executive Director of Father Flannigan’s Boys Town and worked his whole life assisting men and youth to build a better world.
Herb, Joe, and Craig assembled a team of committed men to create a mentoring program for teenage boys. They designed a mentoring program that includes elements of community involvement, a boys adventure weekend, and effective mentoring practices.
Boys to Men Mentoring is a model program that is being replicated on a community level to help young men throughout the world.
Since 1996 the program has spread across the United States, and now has programs in 21 cities worldwide along with international centers in Canada, Europe, and South Africa.
In August, 2009 we started the first Boys to Men Mentoring program in the public school system. This site based group mentoring model has become a resounding success with school administrators, parents, mentors and most importantly: the boys.
Boys To Men USA
712 H Street NE Suite 1485
Washington, DC 20002
A 501c3 non-profit organization | EIN: 81-2507158
Copyright Boys To Men USA, Inc. 2016-2024
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